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FRAGRANCE: patchouli, stable cedar & spicy cinnamon

Each fragrance has honey and a resin called Halmaddi as its base. Hand rolled incense made from pure and natural ingredients.

Product Description

Amrita Nagchampa is a wonderful combination of flavour and fragrance with sweet, spicy and yet light grades of edible cinnamon. Blended with earthy patchouli, strong and stable cedar wood oil from the holy forests it develops into a warm, rustic blend of earthy woods and scintillating spices with a hint of the mysterious and alluring fragrance of oriental resins. Attracts good fortune and adds spice to your life.

The Mothers India Fragrances Incense are our best seller. All natural, chemical free and sustainably packaged these lovely fragrances linger for days.

The Mother’s India Nagchampa Fragrances incense are made with a wide range of aromatic gums, resins, wood powders including sandalwood powder, essential oils and perfumes. However the key ingredient is a native Indian resin called Halmaddi, a soft gum like resin obtained from the Ailanthus Malabarica tree by making incisions in the bark. This tree is commonly called The Tree of Heaven.

Halmaddi is treacle (like sugar cane syrup or molasses) like when it is fresh and hardens into a brittle but plastic resin with a strong balsamic odour. That is why Halmaddi is normally preserved in water to help it retain its moisture.

When mixed with honey, its balsamic odour is further sweetened. The combination of Halmaddi and Honey enables the slow and long burning of nagchampa incense and gives them diffusiveness and burning life of amazing degree. Halmaddi is revered for its metaphysical and medicinal values.

Made with natural ingredients
Sustainable & eco-friendly
Made with love

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