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By David K Miller

Product Description


 Now more than ever, humankind is in need of developing its higher consciousness to heal itself and Earth and to experience life in a much more meaningful way. By expanding our consciousness, we can see the connections and unity that exist in all reality, and we might see objects with sharper colors, hear sounds with greater clarity, or even experience two sensations simultaneously! In this book, you will explore the fascinating multidimensionality that is yours for the taking."You might think that the mind is in the cells, but in reality, the mind also exists as an energy field located in the aura, meaning the mind exists in a realm that in part is in the third dimension but also exists in other dimensions as well. The mind is naturally multidimensional." — VywamusChapters IncludeThe Laws of ConsciousnessThe Next Step for HumanityThought FieldsSuperintelligence: A New ConsciousnessQuantum CohesivenessUnified Consciousness and Earth’s NoosphereThe Intersection of the DimensionsFolding the Space-Time ContinuumAnd much, much more!

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