LITTLE ACTS OF KINDNESS. 101 Ways To Brighten Someone's Day


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by  Susanna Goeghegan

Product Description

GOEGHEGAN (SUSANNA) LITTLE ACTS OF KINDNESS. 101 WAYS TO BRIGHTEN SOMEONE'S DAY  There are proven benefits to being able to give pleasure or joy, whether to ourselves or to others. Not only are we happier when we are kind, but we can actually help increase longevity in our own lives when we help to better the lives of those around us – whether family or community. These books are packed with suggested acts of kindness, bravery or self-care to help yourself and other people, whether strangers or those we love, and how to go about them – from the very small to the undeniably huge. With space to note your own acts and their outcome, these little books are a great way to start being the person you always wanted to be.   SUSANNA GOEGHEGAN PUBLISHING

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