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 by David de Angelis

Product Description

DE ANGELIS (DAVID) STARMAN TAROT. DECK EDITION [Standard] Back in 1995, the iconic musician and visionary David Bowie was working with the designer and philosopher Davide De Angelis. Together they ignited an idea to create a highly innovative and visually spectacular tarot deck. An integral aspect of the design would be for Bowie to subtly interweave his persona into the major characters of the cards. The deck would contain a myriad of references to the powerful cultural comments in Bowie's lyrics, intricate sacred geometries, alchemy, magic and shamanic teachings. The cards would link potent mysteries from our distant past with astonishing, spiritual technologies from a strange, distant future. Bowie and De Angelis collaborated on ideas for many years as an underground knowledge and energy formed around the project.  LO SCARABEO S.R.L.

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